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Autumn – A Time to Let Go and Restore

Written by Kellie Wood.

Autumn is a beautiful season- the 
morning air is fresh and vital, the birds 
are singing and the leaves are golden 
brown. It is a perfect time to look inward,
reflect, restore and let go. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy,
 the five element theory reflects cycles in 
which the Earth and all life forms go
through. We are now entering Autumn-
the Metal element, whereby the Lung
and Large Intestine meridians are most 
active. This is a time to reflect and let go of old patterns that are no longer serving you. It is a time to remove the 
metaphorical “mask” worn; the image in which we portray to the world and live in alignment to our authentic sense of self-our truth. It is when we live in accordance to our true values and from a heart driven space (rather than a mind driven space); our body, mind and spirit balances in harmony to create peace, health and wellbeing. To support this process look after your body, listen to what it is saying and follow its wisdom.

1) Breathe

Bring your awareness to your breath and make sure that you are breathing slowly and deeply during the day. This process will enhance a sense of calm, quieten the mind as well as help you to eliminate physical and emotional toxins stored within the body. Connecting to the breath can also help you to connect to your heart space and away from your mind. It is here where your intuition will guide you towards truth and meaning in your life.

2) Meditate

Meditation can be used as a powerful tool to help facilitate the process of letting go and restoring inner peace. Visualise yourself removing the metaphorical “mask” and connecting to truth within in the heart. To let go of old behaviours and patterns, visualise yourself cutting the energetic chord attaching you to the old pattern and send the energy back to the earth to be transformed. It may help to physically find a symbol that represents the old pattern and throw the symbol into the ocean or bury it underneath the earth. Alternatively journal your thoughts on paper and then throw it into a fire and watch the pattern dissolve.

3) Nourish your body

Nourish your body and soul with organic whole food. To balance the body and support your immune system during this season, enjoy warm nourishing food and include: onions, garlic, leek, lemon, chilli, ginger, shitake mushrooms and seaweed to your cooking. Avoid sugar, alcohol, caffeine and processed food which will impair proper body function.

4) Rest

As we are approaching the cooler months, our bodies need more rest to replenish the reserves. Listen to the inner calling of your body and allow yourself the time to be still and quiet. We live in a busy world, although it is your choice as to how you live in your internal environment. There will always be more things to “do”, so make yourself the priority and give time to include an activity within the day that nourishes your soul.

By Kellie Wood~Nutritionist & Holistic Kinesiologist

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