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Art is…..THERAPY

In this rapidly changing world, individuals are seeking to heal and live a more creative authentic life.

Just like any [form] of downtime or a self-care activity, that may require you to stop and switch off (usually from technology), Art is a creative outlet. It stimulates the heart and helps to calm the mind, and provides a mental balance.

Transpersonal Art Therapy and Counselling is a growing field; becoming more recognised and in demand across a wide range of organisations.

When students choose courses such as this at CCM; they learn not just how to work with clients, but are themselves guided through a powerful process of self-awareness and reflection that facilitates a humanistic and holistic approach to counselling and therapy.

One of our current students studying Transpersonal Art Therapy, decided to explore her life purpose and its meaning after a personal tragedy shaped her future decisions:

“In 2013, I was busy doing so many different things; studying, travelling, growing… I graduated uni with my BA in Psychology and was exhausted from studying and working part-time – I needed a break to recover. While most of my classmates went on to get their Master’s Degree, and encouraged me to do the same, I decided to move to China to teach English and to ‘find myself’. My plan was to take a 3-month break and then return to Canada, get my Master’s (degree) and become a Psychologist.

But, life had other plans…

I ended up going through the most difficult and painful experience of my life when my older sister, Elizabeth died. It tore my heart apart and revealed the fragility of being alive. It pushed me to live bolder and take risks! In 2015, I applied for a Working Holiday Visa and moved to Sydney, Australia. A city I always dreamed of living in”.

Kimberly now calls Sydney home. This is where she discovered the College of Complementary Medicine.

Why did you choose to study at CCM?

I didn’t know about the college: somehow, one day while ‘Googling’ around on the Internet, I came across the Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Counselling and thought,  (hmm,) that sounds interesting! I signed up for an Information Session, and during it, we did an art technique. “It wasn’t even something I was considering back then, but the experience was so healing and supportive, it made me see a whole new world of potential”.

CCM courses provide the foundation to support people on their journey.
The Transpersonal Art Therapy course is unique in its approach to health and wellbeing. The depth of knowledge you’ll gain also enables you to work effectively with both mental health issues and spiritual crises as well as how to differentiate between the two.

Why did you decide to study Transpersonal Art Therapy?

“As cheesy as it sounds; in some ways I feel like this course chose me!”

I didn’t even know that such a thing existed… I’ve always loved art, philosophy and psychology. I didn’t realise though, that there are courses to combine all of this. I thought, that the only way you could really be of service to others was to spend years going through a highly academic program through University.
The idea of spending more time and money in university was so overwhelming, that it became the biggest obstacle to doing what I really wanted.

Only counselling course in NSW, with a transpersonal focus.

“I realise now, the incredible healing potential of art, and how versatile, inclusive and all-encompassing it is.

I know this (Art Therapy) course- which unites ancient and modern wisdom – is the first of so many more to come… it’s such a fascinating journey to embark on”.

CCM Art Therapy is based on a shamanic model and is underpinned with the scientific theory and insights of both mainstream and transpersonal psychology.
It is a highly experiential and practical course; incredibly valuable for people who want to work in mapping and navigating life crises and transitions.

*If you want to know more about Kimberly Hetherington, check out her website Life After Elizabeth.

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Format: Online

Duration: 60 Minutes