5 Options You Have after Completing an Art Therapy Courses

Lucy Bursik

If you’ve been considering undertaking an art therapy course but you just aren’t sure what you can do after you’ve completed it, you definitely aren’t alone. Whether you’ve already completed your art therapy course or it’s something you’ve been considering undertaking for a while, these are five exciting avenues that are available to you after you complete an art therapy course in Australia. 

1. Open a Private Practice 

One of the most rewarding aspects of completing an art therapy course is helping people from all walks of life and establishing a private practice as an art therapist is a great way to do that! Once you have the knowledge you’ve gained from your art therapy training you can provide therapeutic services to individuals or groups that are looking to heal through creative expression. 

Opening a private practice for art therapy gives you the freedom to set your schedule, choose your clientele and create a safe space for creative expression. 

2. Integration into Existing Therapy Practices 

If you’ve completed an arts therapy course in addition to having a background in counselling, psychology or social work you can incorporate art therapy techniques into your therapy practices. WHen you complete an art therapy course you unlock the skills you need to integrate creative expression into more traditional therapeutic approaches.

Diversifying your skill set through an art therapy course will reinforce the fact that you are a valuable asset in mental health practices and will allow you to help individuals heal through artistic expression. 

3. Run Community Workshops 

Art therapy isn’t just confined to clinical settings, in fact it should be something that is easy to access for any member of the community! An incredibly rewarding way to use your art therapy course knowledge is to engage with the community through workshops, outreach programs and collaborative community projects. This avenue allows you to bring the therapeutic benefits of art therapy to a broader audience. 

It’s an inclusive approach to art therapy that can really impact your community by helping to promote self-expression, resilience and mental health awareness. 

4. Start a Business 

If you’re an entrepreneur at heart and you want to use your art therapy course skills to open your very own art-based business. This could be anything from making and selling therapeutic art supplies, developing art therapy programs for schools or workplaces or even opening up a studio space to run art therapy sessions. 

The diverse range of skills you unlock whilst undertaking an art therapy course sets you on the right track to begin your very own fulfilling business venture. 

5. Further Specialisation 

One of the main benefits of art therapy is that it’s an ever-evolving field and there are so many opportunities for you to undertake further specialisation or research. After completing an art therapy course you can pursue advanced studies like a Graduate DIploma that can help expand your knowledge. You could also undertake research that allows you to contribute to the growing number of resources around art therapy. 

Why Undertake An Art Therapy Course? 

An art therapy course is a rewarding course that opens a multitude of doors to help others and to also grow on a personal level. At CCM our art therapy courses, including our advanced diploma of transpersonal therapy provide you a solid foundation to embark on your chosen path. 

Whichever option you choose to take your art therapy knowledge, the techniques and tools you develop during the course equip you with the knowledge to make a positive impact on the well-being and healing journey of individuals from all walks of life. 

To learn more about Complementary Health and Transpersonal Therapies please join us for one of our free online discovery sessions? Click here to find out more.


Experience the transformative power of a career in Transpersonal or Complementary Health with us, where we blend ancient wisdom and modern evidence-based techniques to empower individuals towards improved mental and physical well-being. Our focus is on making a tangible impact by guiding students to discover purpose and joy in a career dedicated to empowering others. Through our diverse range of accredited complementary medicine courses, we provide a fulfilling journey where your passion for helping others aligns seamlessly with your professional path.

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