Further your career with Psychodrama

Lucy Bursik

What is Psychodrama?

Psychodrama is a modality of therapy that has been clinically successful for over a hundred years. It has a proven track record in assisting people move out of self-limiting behaviours and live fuller, richer lives.

Psychiatrist, lecturer, and author Adam Blatner, MD, describes Psychodrama as “a form of experientially based intervention that engages participants in action based creative expression to enhance their spontaneity and heal internal conflicting dynamics. It draws on the natural capacity and inclination for imaginative; make believe play that is evident in childhood. Many techniques derived from psychodrama, such as action methods, experiential exercises, or role playing, may be integrated with other approaches”[1].

It is an important process as it assists in activating the natural inclination with all of life to live to its full creative potential.

What does Psychodrama offer over and above other forms of therapy?

It differs from other therapies in so much as it seeks to bring to life in a dynamic, dramatic form, the internal characters and complexes that hold us back from living a rich, vibrant, authentic life. To heal wounds of the past that keeps repeating over and over again and return life-energy and spontaneity to our every day relationships.

Why would someone study Psychodrama?

People study psychodrama for a variety of reasons and from a variety of vocations. Some study because they desire to bring more dynamism to their current profession of therapist, teacher, group leader, coach, mental health worker, drug and alcohol worker, social worker or business/corporate leader to name a few. Others because they have had a psychodrama experience and realised the power and affect it had on and in their life, and want to bring this into the lives of others.

What does psychodrama training enable people to do?

The training encourages students to place themselves in situations where they reach an edge of learning and then to step over that edge into the possibilities that await. They learn the psychodramatic skills by experiential participation while being coached by the experienced teacher. They become skilled in thinking on their feet and spontaneously responding to events as they unfold.

Career outcomes vary from graduate to graduate. Some extend the area they are already working in and bring the skills into their everyday workplace or practice. Others leave the area they have worked in and branch out into areas that are more fulfilling to their new-found sense of self.

Dr Robert Boyle, Senior Lecturer, College of Complementary Medicine

[1] Blatner A. Current Psychotherapies  7th Ed. 2007

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