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How to become an Art Therapist

Our guide to a fulfilling career in art therapy

Art therapy is one of the main ways to combine healing with creative ventures and it’s a great way to express yourself and experience personal growth. People are searching for ways to improve their mental health with more holistic measures, and art therapy is a form of therapy that has seen a significant rise.

If you’re passionate about psychology and art and you’re wanting to help people on their healing journey, becoming an art therapist can be very rewarding/ This is our guide to how to become an art therapist and the skills you need to thrive.

First, you have to understand art therapy

Before you start searching for courses, it’s important you fully understand art therapy itself. Art therapy works to harness the creative process as a way to facilitate healing, self-exploration and improved emotional wellbeing. Art therapy can be done through various means including painting, drawing, pottery – just about anything creative. Art therapy is a great way for people to communicate their thoughts and feelings that may be harder to articulate verbally. 

Melbourne Art Therapy Courses

Art therapy courses are increasingly sought after as people seek more holistic methods of healing. Art therapy courses will help guide you through the principles of art therapy, counselling courses, techniques and ethics so that you have well-rounded knowledge about art therapy and counselling. As a student you may also be required to gain some hands-on experience as an art therapist by undertaking internships or supervised placements to grow your skills in a supervised, real life environment. 

Steps to Becoming an Art Therapist


You’ll want to start by seeking out an accredited art therapy course like our Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Therapy (Art Therapy) that aligns with your interests and career goals so that you can be sure you’re getting an education that suits your dream career progression. 

Gain experience 

Once enrolled in your art therapy course you’ll want to gain as much hands-on experience as possible. This can be through clinical supervision, internships or participating in what you are learning yourself as a way to deepen your knowledge and understanding of art therapy and its principles.

Get certified

Once you’ve finished your art therapy course, it’s important to get certified by the regulatory body so that you can begin practising. You may need to complete specific requirements like clinical hours and supervision as a way to get certified.

Never stop learning

Continuing your education and training is one of the most important things you can do as an art therapist. Stay on top of any new developments in the art therapy space by attending workshops, conferences or talking to your peers. Ensuring you remain committed to learning and growing as an art therapist is crucial when it comes to having a successful and fulfilling career.

Get started on your journey! 

Becoming an art therapist is so much more than just getting the education, it’s about helping people heal and grow through art. By blending your passion for art with your passion to help others you can make a real difference in the lives of your clients. If you’ve been thinking about taking the plunge and pursuing a career in art therapy, there’s no better time to start than right now! 

If you need more guidance or direction on how to get started on your journey or how to enroll in one of our courses, you can contact a member of our team at The College of Complementary Medicine today. Turn your passions into a fulfilling career today by seeking out a career as an art therapist! 

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