Jasmin Choice

Jasmin’s goal is to guide her clients to become self-healers. Jas helps her child and adult clients transform stress, anxiety, trauma responses, chronic pain and conditions. She works thoroughly with both mind and body, combining intuitive client-led counselling to identify unresolved subconscious stress, then teaches her clients how to release it from where it is stored in the body, all whilst supporting the nervous system using finely tuned acupressure and body work techniques. Jasmin provides a safe, welcoming, judgement-free space for her clients to release, integrate and grow.

“I highly recommend Jasmin as a therapist. I have seen her both for my myself and for my young daughter. She was fantastic with my daughter, who was initially very nervous and scared about seeing her…she can be quite shy. Jasmin instilled a confidence and bravery in my daughter almost instantly and now she is always asking to please go see Jasmin. Jasmin also gave me some tools so that I can continue to work with my daughter on our own. Such a great gift to give to a small child. Her treatments with me were equally transformative. I feel an instant calm and ease and felt we very quickly got to the bottom of my “stuff”. I have been left with a greater understanding of myself and tools to help me move through things.” – Sara Von Trzcinski, designer