A Rewarding and Empowering Career in Complementary Medicine

Lucy Bursik

Written by David Corby.

“I can see”, shouts a young 12 year old running down the stairs who for the first time is able to see clearly, with his scotopic vision suddenly improving following a kinesiology session.

Its hard to put into words how rewarding this type of work can be. Having worked in other fields I really appreciate how direct the feedback is. I have had clients send me pictures of their newborn child, having come to me seeking help with fertility. I remember clients crying for joy because for the first time in 30 years they have been free of pain. Any one of these cases makes all the study and application it took to change careers worth it for me. Seeing people make major changes often is a real privilege.

So what work is this? I am a mind body medicine practitioner that combines complementary medicine and kinesiology. I have been training people to do what I do for more than a decade and seen more than a 1000 people change careers and embrace complementary medicine.

Complementary medicine has widespread acceptance in the community with recent studies showing more than 50% of Australians use it. Australians spend more on it out of their pockets than they do on Western medicine. More people go to see a complementary medicine practitioner first, than a GP.

We aim to train our students to work alongside medical practitioners in an integrated way in order to provide the best service for their clients. As a result many of our graduates work as kinesiologists or mind body medicine practitioners in clinics with medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths and other health practitioners.

Mind body medicine (MBM) recognises the interdependence of the body and mind. The mind extends throughout the body, coordinating and communicating with every cell of our body. Sickness represents a breakdown of the mind’s ability to maintain a healthy body. MBM helps people with chronic illness using physical tools like diet, acupressure, postural corrections as well as considering how lifestyle and emotional wellbeing has influenced their health.

An MBM practitioner is just as likely to use the mind to work on the body or the body to work on the mind. Both are seen as mirrors of each other. Kinesiology is one of the tools that link both body and mind. It uses body feedback to get insights into the body and mind. Other tools include a constitutional analysis that provides detailed links between specific mental states and specific symptoms in order to better understand how a specific psychology contributes to a specific disease.

How long does it take to train? Our Kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine Diplomas take 13 months to complete (full-time study option) and 18 months (night study and blended learning option). This is sufficient to get up and running successfully in clinic as an independent practitioner, with private health fund coverage for your clients.

Many of our graduates go on to Advanced Diploma of Integrative Complementary Medicine study with our College, and Degree and Masters Degree study at university. MBM study provides credit pathways that enable them to add on specific modalities like acupuncture and herbal medicine. MBM is an integrative foundation to a complementary medicine career.

In 2016 we are offering these courses through a Blended Learning option. Blended learning at CCM is a flexible structure providing an innovative combination of public classroom study with private at-home online learning. The perfect balance. It’s ideal for those who are passionate about learning but aren’t able to make a Full-Time, one-year commitment to the course and it works well for students in diverse locations.

For more details visit us on www.sleepy-sable-0s5fx.instawp.xyz or follow our facebook. 

David is CEO of CCM, teacher of holistic kinesiology and mind body medicine and published author of ‘Finding Joy Within’, ‘Energetic Protection’, ‘Neuropressure’ and numerous accredited courses. David is a registered Acupuncturist, a mind body practitioner and holistic kinesiologist. A world-renowned lecturer who teaches in Australia and overseas.

To learn more about Complementary Health and Transpersonal Therapies please join us for one of our free online discovery sessions? Click here to find out more.


Experience the transformative power of a career in Transpersonal or Complementary Health with us, where we blend ancient wisdom and modern evidence-based techniques to empower individuals towards improved mental and physical well-being. Our focus is on making a tangible impact by guiding students to discover purpose and joy in a career dedicated to empowering others. Through our diverse range of accredited complementary medicine courses, we provide a fulfilling journey where your passion for helping others aligns seamlessly with your professional path.

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