
Lucy Bursik

The capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, challenge or adversity.

We need resilience to cope in life.

When in a coherent state, our heart, mind and emotions are aligned and in sync.

But, what is Resilience?

When people say, “you’ll get used to it”, it’s usually in support of you trying something you’ve never done before. When you “Google” ‘resilience (you know you will), or, “what it must feel like, to be resilient, you will discover; as an adjective or a noun: resilience is important.

To act with resilience; allows you to move on swiftly from negativity. Resilience is when we attempt and fail at something more than once.  It is a mix of inborn traits and skills that can be practiced and developed.

Researchers have identified some key characteristics of resilient people; a sense of self-control; strong problem solving skills; strong social connections. And the tools needed to build resilience.  Wolin defines resiliency as the capacity to rise above adversity – sometimes the terrible adversity of outright violence, molestation or war – and forge lasting strengths in the struggle.


When you have / invite resilience, the mind (and body) is able to react positively to a challenging situation or overwhelming emotions. Resilience sustains our energy to remain coherent, to maintain composure through challenges.

When in a coherent state, you are alert and calm – at the same time.’

Connect (off electronic devices) and develop your coping skills with the following:

  • Lots of sleep
  • Drink lots of water
  • Eat fresh, nutrient dense food
  • Exercise (in a way you enjoy)
  • Meditate and play relaxing music
  • Get out in nature
  • List what you are grateful for
  • Do something kind for someone

JUST BREATHE – slowly and deeply.

Heart-focused breathing is powerful and effective for self-regulation. This type of breath – for regular, everyday living – is the first step in shifting the mind into a more coherent state.

It’s important to know when to stop and breathe or, to start your day with calm, focused breathing.

Just as important though, for stress and immunity to sickness is Mindfulness/ Meditation techniques: useful to create or restore patience and resilience when needed. These effective tools go hand in hand with proper nutrition, hydration, sleep, rest and physical activity. Source: Institute of Heart Math


Resilience is not the ability to escape unharmed. It is not about magic. Resilient people don’t walk between the raindrops; they have scars to show for their experience. They struggle – but keep functioning anyway.

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Experience the transformative power of a career in Transpersonal or Complementary Health with us, where we blend ancient wisdom and modern evidence-based techniques to empower individuals towards improved mental and physical well-being. Our focus is on making a tangible impact by guiding students to discover purpose and joy in a career dedicated to empowering others. Through our diverse range of accredited complementary medicine courses, we provide a fulfilling journey where your passion for helping others aligns seamlessly with your professional path.

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