The Omega’s

Lucy Bursik

Do you suffer from Arthritis or other inflammatory conditions?

Did you know that watching your Omega intake could help?

We have been hearing for a long time now how important it is to eat fish for the beneficial Omega 3’s or “good fats”, that support our brain, growth, development & much more. But did you know that it’s actually the RATIO of Omega 3 to Omega 6 that is important for optimal health?

Whilst both are considered ‘essential’ fats because the body does not make them, meaning they need to be sourced from food, Omega 3’s are anti-inflammatory, whilst some Omega 6’s are actually pro-inflammatory and compete with the Omega 3’s. So it is important that we eat a healthy ratio of the two.

The 3 common types of Omega 3 include EPA, DHA and ALA and are commonly sourced from fatty fish, plants, walnuts and flaxseeds whilst Omega 6 commonly Linoleic Acid, mostly come from plant oils.

The average Western diet reports an average ratio of 15:1 Omega 6 : Omega 3 which is considered far too high and has been linked to many of these dis-ease conditions such as Arthritis, inflammation and cancer.

Choosing to eat a diet rich in oily fish such as Salmon, Herring, Mackerel, incorporating walnuts and flaxseed into the diet and choosing grass-fed beef (over grain-fed which has a higher ratio of Omega 6’s) can be beneficial for not just those with Arthritis or inflammatory conditions but for everyone.

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